Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dog in the mail box

I am waiting...waiting...waiting...Why wont the mailman come????

I have my dog waiting for the mailman. Waiting.....waiting.....waiting....and waiting..... Why won't the mailman come? I wonder? I have been waiting for days. The anticipation is killing me. I am going nuts. But when it arrives, the rush of excitement is awesome.

I am making my dog go banana when the mailman comes. He is able to smell the mailman a few blocks away. I am as excited as my dog. He..he..he......

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to Control Ticks and Fleas

Fleas and ticks can harm your pet and make your dog uncomfortable. Well these pest can silently invite themselves onto your dog and then into your house. It irritates your dogs and may carry Lyme disease.

Discover medication that offer monthly medications given to dogs orally. Some through the application of droplets for their fur. These products protects your dog from fleas for thirty days and will kill all of the fleas within 12 hours of application.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Break the Habit of Jumping

Dogs jump on people for a variety of reasons. They want attention. They want to be closer to you, and jumping gets their face closer to your face. It can be a very pushy friendliness. And it can be a dominance gesture. But this can hurt a child, or an elderly person, during the collision.

If you push a dog away, he is being rewarded by getting your hands on him. If you yell “get down”, that is also attention. To discourage jumping, ignore your dog, also turn your back, or walk away when he jumps.

This removes the reward, and incentive, and prevents jumping from being a successful behavior. When a dog sits, praise him, or give him a treat. Withhold all attention (even eye contact, or speaking), until all four paws are on the ground. Ask visitors to pet your dog only when he sits. This teaches your dog to associate good things: attention, praise, treats, with sitting.

There’s no quick and easy cure. Be consistent. Your boisterous dog will learn to be calmer and more courteous.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Special Edition - Royal Mail Dog Stamp

A series of Special Edition stamps was launched to celebrate the roles performed by working dogs in the UK.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tips for Bringing Home a Puppy

PRLog (Press Release) – More than a million puppies will be given as gifts this holiday season. To help new pet parents prepare, Bark Busters, the world’s largest dog training company, has compiled a series of essential tips based on the experience of the company’s worldwide network of dog behavioral therapists.

“The love and laughter that comes with a new puppy epitomizes the joy of dog ownership,” says Liam Crowe, CEO of Bark Busters USA and master dog behavioral therapist. “But while puppies are cute and cuddly, accepting the role of guardian for a new pup comes with significant responsibilities. Be certain that you or the recipient is ready for such a commitment.”

Tips for the New Arrival
Before you bring home your puppy, have these supplies on hand:

• A crate is an invaluable tool when housebreaking a puppy. It also provides your young dog with a sense of security when you are busy or away. However, never leave a puppy in a crate for longer than 4-5 hours.
• Bedding should be thick enough for comfort and sized appropriately for the breed. Be aware that some puppies that are left unattended for too long may chew their bedding.
• Baby gates serve as a great training tool in that they can be used to block off “restricted” areas of the house and help to teach your puppy what areas are off limits.
• Dog-appropriate toys, like the puppy-sized Kong™, are the smart choice. Although children’s toys look cute, they can prove hazardous. Never use old clothing or shoes as toys; a puppy cannot differentiate between your old and newly bought items. Stick with size-appropriate toys for your breed. Always supervise your puppy when he is playing with toys that contain squeakers as they can be a choking hazard.
• Two dog bowls: one for fresh water and one for quality dog food. Consult your veterinarian for food recommendations.
• A well-fitted collar and leash are a must for training and safety during outdoor excursions. Avoid chain leashes; a soft cotton leash is a better alternative.
• A pet ID tag allows your puppy to find his way home should he roam. You may also want to microchip your puppy at your next vet visit.
• Brushes and dog shampoo will eventually be needed for every breed.
• An odor and stain eliminator is a cleaner you will want on hand for those inevitable housebreaking accidents.
• A veterinarian should be researched and chosen beforehand. You will want a contact should an emergency arise. Introduce your new puppy early to the vet and learn what vaccinations he will need.

Dog Years Calculator

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